Week 7: 52 Week Creative Portraiture Photo Challenge

Week 7 was challenging because of the long-exposure photography. I ended up needing two assitants (Drake and Ann Mangum Photography), in addition to my lovely model Abi (who also happens to be an amazing artist). We ended up waiting for the sun to set while we got the tripods out and set to shoot. I purchased glow sticks, a light-up hulu hoop, and an spinning LED flower to use in the photos. Abi was the primary subject, and Drake and Ann added extra light and color to the images. Ann should be posting her photos from this shoot soon too, so make sure you visit her blog for those as well. No two long-exposure photos are the same! What do you think of Week 7? Do you like the long exposure photos?


Week 8: 52 Week Creative Portraiture Photo Challenge


[NSFW] Week 6: Creative Portraiture Photo Challenge