Week 13: 52 Week Creative Photo Challenge
The posts are a little out of order now, but Week 12 will be online soon. In the meantime, here are my favorites from Week 13! The challenge this week was to craft a photo in the style of the Italian Renaissance painter Caravaggio, whose work uses a lot of dark, complex shadows and beautiful, dramatic lighting. My lovely model for this week was a fellow photographer (and she does wardrobe styling/sewing/tons of other artsy witchcraft), Lotus of Darkshi Creations.
To get the lighting and shadows necessary, I set up a space in my front studio room using my pocket doors as a backdrop and added a red velvet hanging to add depth and visual interest. Lotus brought a small sampling of her interests and book collection to the studio with her, and we decided to include those in the photos as well.
I edited the photos in post-production to resemble an aged oil canvas (I am considering making a tutorial for this specific post-production technique, with the textures I used included, so please comment below if you're interested in seeing a tutorial. If there is enough interest, I will post it.)
You can see my favorites from the shoot in the gallery below!