2022: Week 1

The first week started off a little bumpy—the original person that was scheduled had to cancel due to illness, so I had to find a replacement at the very last minute. Luckily, my sister was willing to jump in and save Week 1 for me.

My sister was originally scheduled to do the Aries shoot during March, but we ended up moving it up Week 1 was supposed to have a totally different theme, but we were able to put together the costume and background in just a few hours.

We are planning to re-shoot this at some point in the future, but I think it looks pretty good. I’ve included a couple of behind the scenes photos below.

young woman with ram horns holding a candle in front of a red sequin background
behind the scenes photo of a young woman standing in front of a red backdrop with fog blurring the image

Behind the Scenes: we disabled the smoke alarm so we wouldn’t set it off with the fog machine

behind the scenes photo of orange ring light in front of a red background

Behind the scenes: Ring light set to orange


2022: Week 2


The Haunted